Sunday, December 2, 2007

Task 23 - Summarizing the last 22

Fantastic. What a wonderful adventure - particularly as it is Prof. Dev! I could spend much longer getting up and personal with so many of the technologies we have been exposed to. Unfortunately time is always the leveller.

I hope that this learning will continue to be available for some time to come to give us opportunities to revisit at our leisure and follow the instructions through again where we have forgotten.

Libraries are in a great position to adapt and use the various options and I believe need to be very proactive in lobbying for the necessary funding and recognition for the added value that can be given to an increased audience. One of the frustrating constraints is the access to often blocked sites due to firewalls and web marshalls. This is an area that libraries must push hard for solutions that give a win/win situation. However I do believe we can have a presence on Second Life, MySpace, YouTube as well as utilising eBooks just to name the most obvious of the technologies.

Waiting for the next episode!

eBooks - Task 22

This is fantastic. My first impression was that most of the books available through the FREE links suggested are of classics only. However once I started to put in my own options I found many others of interest, e.g. Harry Potter!

I can see that this will take off big time once it is possible for large numbers of the population to download into their MP3 players/iPod nanos - even wearing an iPod on the wrist whilst out there jogging listening to your latest novel!! Wonderful. I can also see us enjoying the lastest novel via the MP3 options in your car whilst either parked on the freeway carpark in the rush hour or cruising down the highway on the way to some lovely holiday destination.

We will of course still want our hardcopy for the beach (think of the sand within the pages!)

Podcasts - Task 21

Well I have searched through the various podcast directories but ended up selecting an RSS feed from the Conversation Hour with the ABC. I found many of the podcasts I accessed were very out of date or you needed subscriptions, etc. I will keep going with this type of technology as it has some good options but not necessarily from the suggested directories. (very American!)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

You Tube and my Il Divo Video

I hope everyone who visits enjoys this video of Il Divo. I have picked this particularly since this group is on the top of my playlists. Having viewed Conan and thoroughly enjoyed this I decided to look at a number of different music artists across different musical styles. Being a musician I really have got hooked. My family are being initiated into YouTube as well as some of the other technologies.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Task 19 - Web 2.0 Awards, etc.

Really appreciated being able to revisit some of the technologies covered in the last few weeks. There never seemed to be enough time to digest everything and remember what was what. I agree with the Awards for Technorati and Bloglines. I have flagged Bloglines and am using this now on a regular basis and Technorati is also a favourite

Best of all I went back to Flickr and used the new Slideshow option as you have see in my previous blog. I enjoy this site particularly as it is easy to access photos from any PC not just the home PC where the original photos are stored.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Escape the Summer Heat - Task 18 Zoho Writer

Thinking it is too hot at the moment in very sunny Melbourne. Why not think of taking a short adjorn to the sunny (mostly) realms of the Victorian alps and enjoy a more temporate clime whilst doing so great walking and relaxing at the end of the day in your own spa!

What a great selection of tools this task has opened to my eyes. This is my "posted" document created in Zoho Writer. With ease too! I am impressed to think that we as Australians will be able to utilise tools of this nature rather than be tied to the software packages that are required currently. I felt that the options at your fingertips (literally) are extensive and very easy to use.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Task 17 - Sandbox Wiki

Well we've played (a little) and worked out how to add this blogspot. There are a lot of good sites to look at.

Task 16 - Wikis

This is great technology for the uninitiated. Can be edited and published easily by anyone!! Good for libraries as it can reach a far wider audience inviting input and feedback. Also possible to set up parameters and have controls built in.

Task 15 - Libraries and Web 2.0

Exciting! Responsive! Innovative! These descriptions are just a few to describe the world of Web 2.0 technologies and how libraries can take advantage of these. The debates are hotting up. From a customer service perspective libraries should and can build user friendly webpages with useful links using simple 'how-to use' and 'benefit from' explanations. However, it is important to ascertain exactly what our users want and how we can service them better. Possible surveys through the mail to customers should endeavour to find out what is wanted and also the obstacles to using such technologies. It is quite possible that some library services have patrons that do not have internet and do not know how to use basic technologies. Is it our responsibility to provide mechanisms to overcome these obstacles?? Should we as a community be lobbying for every household to have internet? Could we provide easy step-by-step tutorials attached to our webpages? Of course all this must be weighed against "radical trust" established through management letting go and becoming a part of the innovative flexibility platform required.

Absolutely love the mashups and wikis concepts!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Technorati Claimed Blog Task 14 Technorati Profile

Here we go - let's see if this works:
Technorati Profile

Still very much the novice and wishing to spend much more time instilling these new technos into my adled mind!!

P.S. Ye, this is good. Have discovered yet another very useful way of flagging sites of interest. Will need to decide which of the many options will be most responsive to my own needs. Whilst exploring this I have already signed up onto youtube and will work out how to add my own pictures particularly or my dogs rather than looking at other peoples pooches. Admittedly they are all gorgeous, 3 or 4 legged varieties.

Sunday, November 4, 2007 Task 13 - Bookmarklets galore

A great way to organise your favourites. Here is a good link for those with getaway dreams http://

I also started to set up many of those useful library resource sites that one can never remember on the spur of the moment. Many librarians will have a use for sites such as

I could go on for much longer. Hopefully this will inspire.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The LibraryThing - catalogue of favourites - Task 12

LibraryThing is a site I have ventured into before and started to create a catalogue of my favourite titles. Although I have only started there are a number of really good reads. The featured Accidental Woman by Delinsky has suspense, some romance (not a full on Delinsky romance) and a good read for those that like intrigue especially with a female context weaved within. Most of the titles I have listed so far can be termed suspense with intrigue and good story lines. Anyone who hasn't read a Robert Goddard should give a couple of his a go. Each is different and appeals to people in various ways. Always keeping you wondering. I will continue to add selected titles, some of which will be non-fiction must reads in my opinion.
This site is a good way to learn of other titles and authors which may suit your individual tastes and open up new adventures.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Generator Plus with Passions In View (Task 11)

Put yourselves in the picture and imagine your favourite pastimes and passions. Let your imagination fly!

A good time spent playing and many options to change icons and cursors as well as creating your own logos, etc. Very good for business and also to add colour and variety to your own personal documentation, letters, emails, etc.

Follow this link for a good set of options which are FREE!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tasks 8 & 9 - Bloglines address for Libris

Hi everyone. Join me in bloglines at this address:
and look at the news feeds that I have set up. I think the RSS is one of the options best suited for me as long as I don't commit to too many blogline subs. I am always frustrated with all the info I want to view and because of time I end up not bothering to view anything.

I have feeds to some great links including the Bloglines Top links, a couple of doggy feeds ( ofcourse) and also Jon Faine at the ABC. This latter feed will give me the thrill of the latest political gos as it is stripped apart and analysed for us plebs.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 3, Task 6 Completed!!

Hooray, This is done. Have enjoyed flickr and could get really hooked on the mashups. From a technology point of view the various options present an enhancement to the standard portal ideas used by many organisations. It is another aspect for libraries, for instance, to explore how they can present themselves to their growing public. An exciting area for exploration given the expertise and time allocation to do this with panache.

Tropical Passion

This says it all! A dream and passion for everyone.

Only to be shared with someone special - no hangers on!

See yourself there.

My creation
Originally uploaded by Libris Freenote

Sunday, October 14, 2007

R & R

R & R
Originally uploaded by Libris Freenote
I'e had a great deal of fun with flicker and will spend some more time exploring all the options. Here are two of my 'Passions' for you to enjoy. The mind is expanding to take in all the options we have as individuals and also in a professional setting. CGD in the 2lst-22nd century!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Task 3: Flicker

Wow! Have just disdcovered flickr. Time has flown but there are photos assembled and account established. Next visit will shown more adventures in this realm of experiences.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Success on day 2

Success in verifying account and getting into blog! I think this will be fun but take a lot more time that first thought. Welcome to all other bloggers out there.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

First step to techno adventure

Well, I have now entered into the virtual world of blogs. The first time, like many others. Will enjoy the experience and be able to apply this whenever possible, time permitting.